Friday 30 December 2011

my tattoo faded, why?

There are a number of ways a tattoo can fade. These include sun tanning, bad tattooing, bad tattoo ink, body rejections of pigment, damage done due to beech, sauna even hot showers, allergic reactions and more.

Allergic reactions

Tattoo ink can contain minerals and metals or organic matter that some people may be allergic to. This is upto the customer to determine if they are allergic to an ingredient. To be on the safe side the tattooist should supply a medical safety data sheet to the customer when making an appointment for a tattoo, you should advise them to see a doctor about any allergies prior to getting a tattoo. 

Damage caused by mistreatment

The customer should be advised that they not go to the beech, stay out of the sun, do not go to sauna or hot shower they should be luke warm for 1st 5 days or so, it's best to avoid getting the tattoo wet  for too long. Short quick showers no baths or swimming etc, do not pick or scratch, avoid perfuse sweating  while covered in heavy material, it's advised to wear light breathable clothing.

Bad tattooing
When a tattoo is not performed properly it may scab really inconsistantly thick and thin scabs, redness still after 2-3 days, swelling, bleeding and puss can also be an infection. Once the tattoo heals you should see dark and light areas or areas that looked chunked, scarred, or scrathed up. This is were the term scratcher came from.

A scratcher is not a backyarder a scratcher knows not what he is doing a backyarders can have autoclaves, ultrasonics, etc. We prefer the terms scratchers & undergound.

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